Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Advent 2012 – The Jesse Tree

jesse tree button 

Advent is almost upon us!  How did that happen?!  I hope you are all more on top of your holiday planning and gift buying/making than I am… oh my.  I’d forgotten just how much time caring for a newborn takes.  Totally worth it of course (but I do miss blogging)!

I’ve had about a dozen emails in the past few days asking about this year’s Jesse Tree packet.  Thank you all so much for reminding me to get this together!  I needed that little push and it is nice to know many of you use it.

Thankfully it was super-easy to put together this year.  Last year Advent had 27 days – the maximum number of days possible for any year.  So this year I am re-publishing the pack of ornaments, prayer cards, and Scripture references we used last year.  You will have 4 extra ornaments, etc. because Advent is only 23 days this year (it begins on Dec. 2nd).

I’ve included a schedule specific for this year (click on the image to download it):image

This is the schedule my family will be using.  We have taken out the ornaments for the second, third, and fourth Sundays as well as the ornament for the prophet Daniel.  All the other ornaments will be used in order, showing the lineage of Jesus and the history of his plan of salvation (from the creation of the world to his birth).

However, if taking out 4 different ornaments/cards makes more sense for your family, feel free to make up your own schedule!  I feel it’s important to keep in all the people that were Jesus’ ancestors, so I take out the Sunday ornaments and then begin taking out prophets until we’ve reached the correct amount of ornaments for the particular year we are in.

Click the image below to download the pack of ornaments, prayer cards, and Scripture references.


Have questions about the Jesse Tree?  Please feel free to leave them in the comments.  I will do my very best to answer them!




  1. Super duper happy you got it published! Now to print it off and get copies made for my Sunday School class.

  2. Thank you for the Jesse tree prayers, ornaments and everything.

  3. thank you for the 2012 Jesse tree information. God Bless

  4. How did you make these into felt ornaments? Thanks!

    1. For most of our ornaments I simply used felt-tip markers to draw the pictures on colored felt, then used glitter glue to enhance. I used the illustrations as a guide, but freehand drew them. For a couple of the ornaments I printed the picture out, colored it with markers, then glued it to a piece of felt with fabric glue (regular school glue would work too, I'm guessing). You can also make nice-looking ornaments by copying the pictures into a photo-editing application, coloring them in, and printing them out on iron-on transfer paper, which you would use to iron the image onto white felt. Have fun! :)

  5. Thank you for providing the updated schedule! I still have last year's pdf and realized it had more than enough ornaments, but I also have a very new baby and appreciate the list of what ornament and reading goes with which day. My kids keep asking when Advent is going to start because they loved coloring the ornaments every night last year. :)

  6. I love this idea. I'm a first year teacher of kindergarten and first grade at a Christian school. Any ideas or thoughts that I could use? I think I'll send home an overall letter about this and then daily the ornaments and have one giant one for the classroom. This is great! THanks!

  7. Great idea, I was looking to do something different this year, thanks for the great info.
    Morgan :)

  8. What a blessing you are to me and my family as we begin our first year incorporating the Jesse Tree into our Advent celebration! You've made it so easy (and free) to use and I'm so thankful I found your blog!

  9. Thanks, Nicole! Hope you and your sweeties are well!

  10. This is my first time doing a Jesse tree and I was kind of intimidated till I came across your blogg!! You laid it out so so nicely telling me which ornament to use on what dya and what bible story they go with!! Thank you so very much!!

  11. I'm so happy you are doing this again! Printing it out for my littles.

  12. Thank you so much for providing this free version of the readings and ornaments. I have just made a quilted Advent calendar and the size of your templates are perfect for slipping into the pockets I've made. With Hurricane Sandy this year I am so disoriented on time that December has snuck up on me. So of course I waited until today to look for these and found your site. Thanks, again, so very much!

  13. thank you so much for providing this information and your open and generous heart. i have shared it on my photography blog and wanted to let you know:) thank you so much.
    ginger unzueta

  14. Thank you! This is a great set and has been wonderful to use so far...

  15. Great Job! We've done variations. I usually just count backwards from Christmas, to use all the days in my book. My kids have each painted a triangle type tree with fingerpaint, on butcher paper. We covered a door with it, and made a copy of ornaments for each kid. Then we went to a poster board for each kid's tree. Now the kids just take turns doing the ornaments. I also have the felt pattern set, can;t wait til my kids are old enough to make those---and make them well.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment; I love reading them! If you ask a question and don't receive a personal reply, check back here for the answer. Often I reply via comment to something that might be of interest to others.