Saturday, September 1, 2012

More Good News!

We are homeschooling!!  We are going to try it out with Kindergarten - I am so excited!  With a new baby the flexibility of homeschooling will be so convenient.  We'll be officially starting in October, so September will be a busy month for us - adjusting to our "new normal" around here and planning lessons, ordering last-minute curriculum and maybe, just maybe, even getting organized (just a little, please?).

Just wanted to share the good news with all of you who know just how much this is an answer to my prayers!

Have a beautiful day!
Nicole :)


  1. Woo HOO! I can't wait to read more, and see what you share about your learning :)

  2. Good news ;) Hope baby adjustment is going smoothly! He sure is precious.

  3. That's awesome news, Nicole! I'm sure you'll do great with homeschooling. I'm so happy for you!

  4. Good luck! You really wanted it, and I hope it works out for you and for M!


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