Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Preview of this Week’s Activities

Normally I write up my preschool posts a week later than when we actually did them; this means I won’t be posting the activities for this week until the end of the first week in November.  However, with Halloween coming up this weekend, I thought I’d go ahead and share some of the Pumpkin / Halloween activities that I have planned for this week in case they interest anyone else.  :) 

We don’t do a lot for Halloween.  We carve a jack-o-lantern and go trick or treating, and that’s it.  Neither my husband nor I are into all the scary, spooky, or dark stuff, and we don’t want M to be either, especially at his age.  But, hey, who doesn’t want free candy? ;) 

Some simple and fun shelf Halloween activities I’ve set out for M:

A jack-o-lantern “go fish” type game from the October issue of High Five:oct 2010 071

A pumpkin shadow matching game:oct 2010 059 

The Five Little Pumpkins poem and felt pieces for our flannel board:oct 2010 062

Mr. Pumpkin Head. :)
  This one is going to be so much fun!  I cut 4 different pumpkin shapes from orange construction paper, then found some Mr. Potato head pieces to cut out.  I used this page, as well as some I found on Google Images.  oct 2010 063

Our leaf and pumpkin tic tac toe game.  I made this last year.  You can find the printable in this post.oct 2010 065

Pumpkin Life Cycle cards, from Montessori for Everyone:oct 2010 069

M will sequence these in order from seed to pumpkin, then check the answer card below to see if he is right.oct 2010 070I think M will love these sequencing cards because he is really into this book:

At the end there is a much shorter version of the pumpkin life cycle and it’s his favorite part of the book! 

To see Halloween-themed activities we’ve done in the past, visit this post.

Everyone have a safe and Happy Halloween with your little ones! :)

Have a beautiful day! :)



  1. So fun! Love the potato head pumpkins!

  2. Very fun pumpkin activities :-) We love that book as well!


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