Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Updated Build-A-Letter Templates

My old templates for this activity have bugged me since I made them.  There are missing lines and they just didn’t look as nice as I wanted them to.  Of course I made them in a hurry, finishing them in the middle of the night if I remember correctly… so maybe that had something to do with it. 

Anyway, since I’m in the middle of transferring all my printables from Google Docs to Scribd, I thought I’d update these little guys in the process.

Go here to see the new version.  The old version is still out there, but in my opinion the new ones are much better.  I did forget about “W” (how can I forget a letter?  Is this a sign I should not homeschool?!), so if you use these, you’ll have to print 2 “M”s. :)  I didn’t realize this until I’d already turned it into a .pdf file and deleted the original.

*Never delete your original document.*

I’m working on some lowercase letter templates too and will have them posted as soon as they are done.  Making these is trickier than you’d think!

Have a beautiful day! :)


  1. Hey, how do you change it over to adobe files?

  2. Ticia, I use cutePDF... you can check it out at this link: http://cutepdf.com/Products/CutePDF/Writer.asp

    It's totally free, and it works like a printer... when you want to turn your document into a .pdf file, you print like you normally would, but choose your "cutePDF" printer. It won't really print, but it will save it as a .pdf file on your computer.

    Let me know if you have questions. I'm answering here in case anyone else is interested!

  3. Nicole ~

    What program do you use to create them? I just found out recently {duh}, that in Microsoft you can use 'save as' and it gives you the option of saving as a pdf.

    Cute PDF works great for me for some things, but if I had a lot of color or background shading it went all wonky on me. When I use the 'save as' feature it looks just like the original.

    LOVE these, by the way... :)

  4. yay!! can't wait to make these!! I have it on my list for tonight :-)

  5. Super cute idea! Thanks for sharing. I found you on the activity mom.

    Annie @ http://moffattgirls.blogspot.com

  6. Thank you so much!! I have been looking for something like this. You are awesome

  7. I just noticed that the letter W is missing. Was this intentional?

    1. Hi Ali,
      No! It was not intentional! Just tired mama-brain. I have never gotten around to re-doing it as it would be re-making the entire file. What you can do is simply use the "M" - print it twice and turn it upside down. So sorry for any inconvenience.

      You could also use the long pieces to make a "W" and then trace them onto paper to make your own template.

      Someday I will get around to fixing this!

  8. I would like to make these magnetic so they don't slide all around on the kiddos.Im not vey crafty and this is what I was thinking, hopefully you can tell me if you think it will work or not. laminate the carded and paint the magnetic paint on the card just in the lines and also on the pieces.

    1. I don't see why that wouldn't work! Sounds like a good idea to me! You could also simply paint the back of the pieces, then use the cards on a cookie sheet or tape them to the side of the fridge. Other options might be to print the shape pieces (for forming the letters) onto magnet paper, or stick magnetic tape onto the backs of them. Good luck! Let us know how it turns out. :)

  9. hi! I love your work and im sure my kids will love it too! Can you send me in my email the update version of this? :) I cant access it using the hyperlink above. I would be really thankful! thank you so much! here: eleanoreanneaquino@gmail.com

    thank you!
    -Ellie, OT

    1. Ellie, I've updated the links in the post. I'm so sorry for the confusion. I did not know Scribd had changed some link information. Please let me know if you still have trouble with the download!

  10. I just finished getting mine all cut out last night, my son is going to love them! I'm sure they took you quite a bit of time to put together so I just wanted to send a quick note of thanks for making them available :)


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