Monday, May 17, 2010

The Art Box – 5/17/10

     may 019In the Art Box last week:  new watercolor paints, tempera paints, bug stamps, glue, paper, a handful of collage materials, scrapbook scissors, paintbrushes, sparkly gel pens

We bought some new Crayola watercolor paints over the weekend, and M is in love with them.  They are so bright and vivid… I was sure we’d tried Crayola in the past and they weren’t that much better than the Roseart ones we’ve been using.  I don’t know – maybe they changed up their recipe or something, because these are really beautiful watercolors!  It’s all he wanted to do all week (art-wise).

Here’s a bit of what he did…

Trying them out for the first time:may 008

Three of the many paintings he made with these:may 009

may 020

may 021Do you see the “spider” in the last one??  :)

Other than watercolor painting he didn’t do much.  He cut some paper and made me a little stamped card (he called it a card):may 006

And he stuck a googley eye onto his forehead and walked around one evening like this:may 005Swearing, the entire time, that he could actually see us. ;)

Have some children’s art you’d like to show off?  Link it up below (remember to link back here in your blog post)!

Have a beautiful day! :)


  1. Love the cyclops picture, and its so funny that he said that he could see!

  2. Great cyclops photo! Those watercolors look fabulous, maybe I'll try buying them again...

  3. I love the last picture - M is such a clown. I also got Crayola watercolors that were on "as is" sale at Michael's for $1 (two colors were missing), and I was quite pleased with them - huge difference with $1 that we tried before. I impressed on Anna the need of cleaning her brush and shaking off extra water, and she used them for her castle painting. She was not terribly interested in art though last week, it always comes in spurts here.

  4. Great paintings! Love the cyclops!


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