Friday, October 7, 2011

Learning by Heart – oct. 7, 2011


“The mother’s heart is the child’s schoolroom.”
- Henry Ward Beecher

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for MaryAnn Kohl’s book, Scribble Art!  It is chock full of great art projects for little people.  I’d say it’s perfect for toddler to 6th grade age.  You can read my three-part series in which MaryAnn discusses the importance of art in early childhood; the giveaway is at the end of the third post! 

    bike tricks M, showing me “tricks” on his bike. :)

No school for us this week – our neighbors had a baby (yay for babies!) and we were busy cooking dinners and baking treats to take them when they came home. :) 

We also worked on all those apples!  We dehydrated two large batches; they make such a good, healthy snack over the winter!  M has an apple peeler-corer-slicer (you know, the kind you clamp to a table and turn the crank?), which he absolutely can not get enough of. :)

  peeling and dehydrating apples Look at that concentration! :)

We also managed to get in a little bike-riding practice (he just recently began riding without his training wheels):no training wheels!

And a little nature/playground time too:a little tree-love What a monkey!

more tricks!More daredevil tricks. :)

This is the very best kind of learning – spending time together and talking about anything and everything a five year old boy thinks about.  I love how a little time spent working or playing together makes his little heart open up to me.  One of my greatest hopes is that he will always be able to talk to me about anything.  Trust is such a fragile thing, isn’t it?

Anyway, as you know, I adore autumn… I’ve been feeling very inspired in this brisker weather… it’s perfect for cozying up to the table and creating something beautiful!  I’ll be sharing our newest creations with you over the next few weeks, but for now I thought you might enjoy a glance at some of the autumn-themed art M has done in the past.  Some of these were such favorites, we do them more than once, but of course I only bother blogging about them once. :)  (I’m sure it’s like that for a lot of you other mama-bloggers too.)

I am always on the lookout for inspiring art ideas, so if you have any autumn-themed art going on in your house, and you’ve blogged about it, leave me a comment with the link; I would love to come take a  look!

Favorite Autumn-themed Art and Craft Projects:

autumn artwork

Top row:  Leaf Guys, Autumn Sparkle Tree, Hand and Armprint Autumn Tree
Bottom row:  Nature Collage, 3-d nature art

I’m linking this post up to Preschool Corner and Weekly Wrap-Up.  Check them out for some great homeschooling posts!

Have a beautiful day! :)

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