Thursday, March 17, 2011

Giveaway Winner

Thank you to everyone who entered for the $50 CSN gift card!

The winner is…

comment #3 -  Lindsay

Congratulations!  I will be emailing you with your gift card code and instructions. :)

Have a beautiful day! :)


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Go take a peek…

Take a look at my newest post over at The Homeschool Classroom, where I share some fun ideas for an artsy St. Patrick’s Day!   mixing yellow and blue
Have a beautiful day! :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

GIVEAWAY! - $50 Gift Card

Spring is just around the corner, and thankfully that means more outside play time!  Check out these fun wood swing sets from CSN Stores – wouldn’t that be a great way to spend spring?!  CSN is offering a $50.00 gift card to one of my readers (U.S. or Canada addresses only, please), to be used at one of their many online stores.

Mandatory first entry: begin following Tired, Need Sleep by clicking on the “follow” button over there on the right sidebar, and leave me a comment letting me know.  If you are already following or subscribing, leave a comment letting me know that.

For extra entries (leave a comment for each one of these):

1. Let me know which item you would put your $50 toward.

2. Write a blog post sharing the link to this giveaway.

3. Share a favorite springtime activity.

I’ll pick a random winner on March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day.  Please include a way for me to get in touch with you in your comment.

Good luck! :)

**This giveaway is now closed**